Sunday, September 09, 2007

Varsity and JV tailgates and Courage Bowl Info

First of all congratulations on the JV and Varsity wins this weekend over Buff State this weekend. AND...thanks to ALL of you who participated in the tailgates this past weeked for the coaches, players and parents. You make it all happen. The game pictures are on the webshots so take some time to view them. I will place the video on the blog tomorrow.

The Varsity tailgate items are sent via email this evening. We will be doing pizza for the tailgate after the Courage Bowl. In order to feed all of those participating we will need to order 30-33 full sheet pizzas. We are asking, if you haven't donated at the Buff State game already, for parents whose sons are dressing for the Courage Bowl to chip in a minium of $10.00 to help off-set the cost. Also, we will be asking for drinks, desserts and salads to go with the pizza. If you see Sheila Galletto or Jim Kramer, please give your donation to them next Saturday.

JV tailgates: Thanks to the parents that met with us on Saturday after the Buff State game. We hope all went well after your game. We've been informed that the contact email for the JV tailgates will now be: This will help us all mainstream the info to one email and therefore JV tailgate information will not have to be emailed back to If the JV Parent Tailgate coordinators need anything printed on the blog they can send that to Brian or Sarah.

BIG WEEK: COURAGE BOWL WEEK...let's take some time think of those children less fortunate and stricken with childhood diseases...that's what ths week is all about...Camp Good Days!

We've been informed that there will be a collection in the stands at halftime by the students associated with the Teddi Dance for Love Committee with all proceeds collected going towards the 26th Annual Teddi Dance for Love held in February. Your tax deductible donations would be greatly appreciated. Checks will be accepted and can be made out to: SJFC Teddi Dance. To find out more about the Teddi Dance for Love and how it benefits camp Good Days check out their web page wich can be found on the college's main web page.


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