Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Three Days and Counting....Championship Saturday!

The email is out...the plans are being made....coaches and players are preparing....the Doctors of Modern Tailgating (DMT)(Kramer,Miranto,Stepnick and NOW the New Doctor Fortune)have chosen their location to begin their pre-game "pep-talks" at 10:30am ...same BAT time...same BAT location!

I will not be there this Saturday as I will be in Albany, NY for a FASNY Executive Board meeting....hope you tailgaters will be OK without me!!!!! Dr. Miranto...take some good pictures....I'll need to see them. I will be on-line so I'll catch the play-by-play via the net!!!!

This game is HHHHHUUUUUUUGGGGGGEEEEEEE!!!! Billy!!!!!! We need ALL of the loudest noisemakers we can have....the rumor on Post Patterns is that Alfred will try and steal our show with their cheering section.....they say they will double our crowd! Hey maybe we need to have the Doctors get some warpaint on!!!! Then maybe not!!!!!!

SENIOR Parents: Meet at the scoreboard between 12:30-12:45 to receive your wonderful Senior parent gifts...AND...once again...THANK YOU...for all that you've done to make Fisher Football what it is today!

Please take some time to read the email from Sarah regarding the tailgate items. Your support this year has been "second to none!!!!" Taking over this task was made SO EASY thanks to the number of FANTASTIC parents that have helped us out. It's been a true Cardinal family effort!!!! GO CARDS!!!!!!!!!!!


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