Salisbury Tailgate Information
Hi Everyone!!!!
Rough game last week... but Fisher players and their fans aren't to be
counted out... we still have a lot of football to play... we will get back on
track! Now it's time to talk... Tailgates!!!!!
Salisbury Tailgate:
Attached is the list for the Salisbury game this week. We had a suggestion
to serve cider and fry cakes for one of our tailgates. If you are searching
for something new to bring... how about one of those ideas. I hear there
are several good orchards in the Rochester area.
A reminder that the game starts at 12 noon. We will need to set up "the
classroom" 1 hour earlier. We wait for the coaches and players to leave their
pre-game meeting to move all the desks and chairs. If you can help us with
this task... plan to meet us in "the classroom" around 10:20 a.m.
Thank You:
Thanks again to those parents who brought food/beverages, donated money,
served food, circulated the list for the tailgate this week and finally sold all
of the beads (lol... what a salesperson she was!)!!!!!!!! Your willingness
to help and add your own special touches make our tailgates extra special.
Upcoming Events:
Saturday, October 18th at Norwich University:
Take a ride to New England...see the changing leaves, beautiful
countryside... and take in a great game. Did you make your hotel
Saturday, October 25th vs. Springfield College:
We will be honoring 31 seniors and their parents at our last regular
season game. A special tailgate "treat" is in the plans for that week!
Send along any other ideas you may have.
Saturday, November 1st at Utica College:
Yeah! a short 5 minute ride for the McQueen's!
The team will be eating at the Roselawn Restaurant in New York
Mills. This is about 3 miles from the campus. Parents, siblings,
friends will be able to join the team at the Roselawn. Buffet prices,
menu, reservation information, and directions will be included in a
future email. This is the same restaurant we used in 2006.
Bye Weekend... No game on Saturday, November 8th
Saturday, November 8th at Alfred University:
Fan Gear:
We are almost all sold out of items! I've attached an updated inventory
list. If you would like something reserved in your name... send me an email.
Let me know how I can get it to you (at a varsity or jv game).
SJFC Boosters Makes Donation:
Last week we sent a card with a generous donation of $650.00 to Steve Fox,
father of Brandon Fox. Thanks for all of your contributions to this fund.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Fox Family.
That's all for now:
See you at the game. My camera will be searching out that enthusiastic
fan... that I can add to my slide show... will you be that person? Bring your
Fisher Fan Gear... cowbells and voice to the game and let's cheer our team to
Go Cardinals!!!!
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