Monday, August 25, 2008

Morrisville Scrimmage

Well...yes it's time to begin planning for the SJFC vs. Morrisville scrimmage this coming Friday, 7:00pm at EAST ROCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL. We will be tailgating after the scrimmage behind the coaches office. Sarah and I will be there around 4:30pm to begin setting up for the tailgate. We ask that you don't drop off any of your tailgating foods until after the scrimmage. With the soccer tournament going on at the stadium controlling all of our food would be quite difficult.
The returns of our first email on the food and drink request for the scrimmage have been been very slow. We ask that you take a look at the email attachments and send us back what you will be able to bring to the scrimmage for the players. Please keep in mind that the quantities on this week's list are higher because we are feeding both teams as a gesture of "class" from SJFC parents, players and coaches.
We are still looking for parents whose players will be on the JV team to contact us so that we can review what is needed for their tailgates and t0 provide them with their monetary needs for the year.
Once again, we want to thank you for all that you've done, and will continue to do to make this year a great one.


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