Monday, September 01, 2008

Off to Purple Raider Country!

TICKETS: Tickets can be purchased at the ticket locations placed around the field at Mount Union. This stadioum is quite large so you won't have to worry about running out of tickets.

On our long ride home this past Friday evening (or should I say Saturday morning),Sarah and I mentioned about what a GREAT group of parents we have to work with and call our friends this year with Fisher Football. You ALL should be proud of what you have done so far to make Fisher Folotball the BEST!

Dear Fisher Fans!
Important information is enclosed in this email... please read and contact
us if you have any questions.

A huge thank you to all the parents who helped out at the tailgate after the
scrimmage. We had numerous parents help set up ahead of time, assist with
grilling, sell Fan Gear and Spirit Items, do garbage runs, serve food (750 Hot
dogs +), and help clean up for close to 300 people. We wouldn't have left
Fisher at midnight if it wasn't for the combined effort of these parents.
Thank you so much!

We also want to acknowledge the generosity of those parents who brought food
and beverages. We were almost cleaned out of everything! We do have some
hot dogs, rolls and water leftover that we will use at the next home game
(Buffalo State). We did receive some suggestions (for ex. lighting, more hot dishes) that we
are working on to improve the tailgates in the future.

Items left at the Tailgate:
If you brought a cooler (three were left behind) and/or a crock pot to the
tailgate and forget to bring them home afterwards. We have the coolers stored
in the shed by the SLC. You can get yours at the Buffalo State game. Jean
Tatar offered to clean the crock pot and is refilling it for that game (What a classy idea...thanks Jean!) You can pick that up after the Buff State game, too.

We apologize for any problems with the sign up last week. I think we have
the "kinks" worked out and we should be "good to go" for this week. If you
have sent me an email offering to bring something and it doesn't make the final
list... give me a call... and I'll correct it immediately.

Parents and family members should wait until the players have eaten before
getting in line. The primary purpose of the tailgate is to feed the players,
who have probably missed a meal and are starving!

Fan Gear and Spirit Items:
We have Fan Gear and Spirit Items on sale at the home games. I've attached
a list of the available items and their prices. If you would like to reserve
an item... drop me an email... and it will be ready at the Varsity and JV
Buffalo State games (September 13th and 14th).
We will not be ordering additional items/sizes until all of these items are
sold. We are looking for parents who are interested in taking over this
responsibility. Let us know if you're interested.
Mount Union Hotel and Tailgate Information:

Hospitality Room:
We have secured a hospitality room at the Comfort Inn for Fisher Fans on
September 12th. The room will be available around 7:30 p.m. It is located on
the first floor just pass the food area (same room as last year).Please join
us and get acquainted with other Fisher parents. Adult beverages and finger
foods (chips/dip, pizza, etc.) are appreciated and enjoyed. Bring your
favorite tailgate dish to pass. Look for the Red Fisher Football sign!

Pre Game Tailgate:
Join the Fisher Fans as we pre tailgate in the Mt. Union parking lot(Just look for the Purple Raider Helmets on the trucks and cars). We have asked parents to bring EZ Canopies, food/beverages and tables for this purpose. We will start at 10:45. Look for the SJFC Cardinal Tailgate sign. All are invited!

Players/Coaches Post Game Tailgate:
After the game we will host a tailgate for the players and coaches in the
same site as the pre tailgate. Attached is a list of suggestions. Please send
me an email with your name and what you will be bringing. It is not
necessary to add your name to the list and send it back. Please sign up by no later
than 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 3rd. I will update the chart and
email it out to everyone.

Brian and Sarah McQueen

Home: 315-736-7479
Brian Cell: 315-368-8479
Sarah Cell: 315-723-2343


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